Chii Motosuwa's image
from costume Abel Nightroad
Chii Motosuwa I think this picture is cute. xD I don't know why... I wish I'd had an Esther to lead me around, but she didn't wear her costume this year... -sigh- But I had my fellow Abel!

Photo credit to Hikaruchan
  • Mangochutney I love this so hard. Habit + big stompy armored boots = pure win. The completely unrepentant "oopsie!" expression just kills me. >D Somehow one knows with utter certainty that he's wearing a pair of frilly white panties under all that. 17 years ago
  • Pris-K awsooooomeeeeee, i love it *o* 17 years ago
  • Tallus I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE (Abel in drag will crack me up until the day I die, I swear XD ) 17 years ago