My halloween pumpkin #2: The Homunculus Seal, aka Flamel (thanks kisekihan!). I was so tempted to buy one of the Sins action figures and put them inside the pumpkin (probably Lust <3)
water_angelI can't stress how awesome you are!! Lovely job! I was so impressed with your final fantasy pumpkin and then you also pump out this one... I lovvee youu XD19 years ago
Mizu angelWHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*fangirlsqueal, steals pumkin and runs off*19 years ago
krimsonyou have scary pumpkin carving skills. XD I like it.19 years ago
Atasha*bows to the almighty pumkin* XD19 years ago