LionBoogy's image
LionBoogy Shots from San Diego Comic-con 2011. A better view of the details I put into both of these costumes. Ironhide was made in 2 months and Bumblebee was repaired in a few weeks from his original 2009 ROTF version. A tremendous amount of work went into Ironhide as he is far more detailed and complicated than Bumblebee. I'm pretty happy about the accuracy of the costume compared to the actual movie version. As usual, no found parts, everything is hand-made from craft foam, foamboard, etc.
  • junii These are incredibly impressive!! Soo amazing!! 13 years ago
  • ChiisaiYume Wow!! 13 years ago
  • ~Alandra~ Awwwwh! Amazing! 13 years ago
  • Viveeh Amazing work!! 13 years ago