shadowsage's image
shadowsage I took this picture in the bathroom mirror. It's not 100% finished yet, but I have everything together for the dress. I just got back from Martial Arts class, so my hair isn't really stylin'. ^^;
  • shadowsage Aww...thanks! It still needs a lot of work though. 8) 17 years ago
  • anablackcat Beautiful!!!! O_O 17 years ago
  • shadowsage Aww...thank you! You're really sweet. No, I don't have the sword to go with it because I've never used fiberglass before and I'm a little afraid to try it. =) I still have sooooooooooooooooo much work that needs to be done. I'm remaking the shoulder armor completely. 17 years ago
  • DarkLink4009 thats going to look fantastic when your finished! cant wait till u have finished ones up, do u have her sword to go with it? 17 years ago
  • shadowsage Thank you! =) 17 years ago
  • Death5cythe thanks for the comment, your costume looks amazing! 17 years ago