MarychanTenial- Thank you so much.
Abel-Nox- Awww your'e too sweet and yeah the blue color of the uniform compliments really well with the camera's flash. :D19 years ago
Albel-Noxbeautyfull.... you look so cute
and i love the blue color of your costume ^^19 years ago
MarychanThank you, it was a honor cosplaying someone like Tohru.
Blushes, I acually never been called cute until I started cosplaying. >_<;19 years ago
MarychanThankies, hehe sorry I chouldn't get a picture of Kyo. He can be so temperamental somtimes. :D
Oh and the costume was not made by me, it was commission by Yuanie-sama.20 years ago
Tonomura Bix::sneaks a peek at sunbathing Kyo too:: XD Hehe, but you make a very good Tohru~! =D Super cute! And your costume looks great! ^^20 years ago make such a cute Tohru ^^20 years ago
Saiyan PrincessAaawww you look very pretty Mary-Chan! Great costume!20 years ago