Eleryth's image
from costume Shihoudani Yuujirou
Eleryth Another photo by Chris Mak (http://www.chrismak.com/Photo Gallery/index.htm).

The photo looks pretty much as it did when she took it, unless she touched it up. I did try fooling around with it in photoshop, but since I have no idea what I'm doing with that, I just messed it up. XD

I've noticed that with the bright lights there's really high contrast, and the small white-on-white details get lost. Good thing there's not that many. The high contrast otherwise looks pretty good in photos, IMHO.

Princesses in Crime:

Mikoto (front, pink hair) - Oselle

Touru (right, blue hair) - Baensidhe

Yuujirou (blonde) - myself
  • neoangelwink so very cute ^_^ 17 years ago
  • SailorAnime Excellent job on the details! They look like they were taken right out of the anime 17 years ago