firstlight's image
from costume Mukahi Gakuto
firstlight 俺たちはmissing piece 同じ時代 同じ夢 抱きしめる♪
お互いがmissing piece 諸共に 痛みさえ分け合って♪

*cough*OshiGaku OshiGaku*cough*
Oshitari - Urasora
Gakuto - me
  • benihime awwwww you make SUCH a cute little gakuto XDDDDD 17 years ago
  • firstlight A*)$#%I$KsaFA~~ Thank you and your Yuushi.....=A= HOT~~ annnnd Nioh~ (my 2 fav. PoT charas♪) 17 years ago
  • SakuSaku Waaaah, that is so cute. ;; 17 years ago