Yukaoruyuka seems to be logged in...ah, I dun mind.
Jeeze desü! ^^ (irgendwie is immer der eingelogt, der als letzten bei cos.com war, blöde sache...
the picture is sooo great!
I love this shot really much (with all these weapons around you XD)
It's very cool.
unfortunatly I dun know what series this is or what character...
but I like it!
can't wait to see you again! ;_;19 years ago
Kyubithank you all >///<
and hellow my dear husband x333~ *kiss*19 years ago
AssaraTotally great! You look like the perfect Buletta19 years ago
xrysxi think you are looking good so far~ *looks @ weapons around as well....*19 years ago
First Bulleta I've seen... great job!
PS - AWESOME19 years ago
TeipuEigentlich könntest du mir das Maschinengewehr für Freitag leihen und nich umgekehrt xD~
Cool pic btw~ you look kyut (and dangerous xD)19 years ago
*Sugar*hehe, this is cute ^^ I love how you have all the guns around you, I can't wait to see it compleatly done ^^19 years ago
tEnTenI just love it
I am very impressed it is even more better then in your avator19 years ago
+Yomi+first first first >w<
i saw it in your avatar at msn and was just to aks you for the pic *_*
LOVE IT!!! >w<
machst dus jetzt sonntag? oder freitag?oder doch samstag? ich will mit yuli mit dir bilder machen ; ~ ;19 years ago