Ginryuu's image
from costume Kotsubaki Sentarou
Ginryuu To get to Taichou's side first we will climb up any height and overcome any obstacle...including each other.

So working through some backlog...this is from back in January WHEN WE HAD SO MANY SQUAD 13 MEMBERS IT WAS BRILLIANT.

The set up for this one was fun...and a challenge...and got us in a taaaaaaaad bit of trouble. 9.9 So we got us a chair. And Kiyone's stepping on the seat of the chair to hold it down while I stand on the back of the chair to reach the 2nd story balcony. Then a bit of posing and we were all set to look like we were fighting each other to get to Taichou first. It's too bad con staff didn't appreciate our use of chair. Minor edits including addition of goatee because I was durp and forgot to wear it that day.

Kotetsu Kiyone: Yukari Kaiba
Kotsubaki Sentarou: me
Photo by Kimu
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