This picture was made by my brother after school.. lol...
Very much of my friends said, it looks like Bou from Ancafe, but it was not my purpose to look like him.... ^^;;;
Rikkucrazygirlawww adorable your hair is so pretty < 318 years ago
~Arizu~Yeah I thought so as well that you'd made a Bou cos...HAHAHA~
But somehow you look more cute.
ANd the clothes suit you so so well~ ;w;18 years ago
somehow theres a similarity (??) between you and bou-kun!
*_*18 years ago
reitaomg you are so cute and i just love your shirt is so pretty*_____*
it is bou-look-alike xD but you're prettier than bou^_^19 years ago
Kyubihaha ;O; yes, he is so so ugly ;_;''''
Yomi: sure I won't XDDD I told u before... lol
looking forward our overalls in 2007 *0*19 years ago
TeipuI really thought you were cosplaying Bou when I first saw the photo xD
SORRY *hugglez*
You look so cute *~,*19 years ago
+Yomi+DON'T ever cosplay as bou please ;___; it would look great, but BAND-SCHLAMPE doesn't fit you at all ; ,,, ;<333
LOVE~19 years ago
pinkkillernoooo~ >.< you don't look like Bou! Bou is ugly, you are pretty!19 years ago
ShonenKeyWHat? Not your purpose to look like him? .. I seriously thought you were cosplaying him, the Odoru version.. .__.
You really should consider cosplaying Bou XDD You already got the hair =319 years ago