shushuwafflez's image
from costume Seth Nightroad
shushuwafflez I've finally finished 1 sleeve!!
now to move on to the second one DX
I've also realized that I need to hand sew most of the sleeves together, so it's more time I need to spend on it. Also the area between the lantern sleeve cap and the bell of the sleeve is where I'm going to wear an armlet that I will make later on once the sewing is done. It's plain now, but soon it will be filled.

After this I will be working on the next embroidery intensive part, which is the train. Once those parts are finished I think the rest of the costume won't take me too too long to complete.

I won't post pics of the second sleeve once it's done because it would be bit too repetitive. My next update should be on the train. I think I will be mixing embroidery and applique techniques for it so that the emblem will be the size I would like it to be. Unfortunately, the max size emblem that the machine can stitch is what I got on the bell of the sleeve. I can really see the outfit coming together and I'm really excited!!
  • Aya23 stunning 12 years ago
  • Seva Very beautiful work *_* 12 years ago
  • ShadowDrac Looks amazing! 8D Beautiful work. I wish I could see this in person! 12 years ago