audioventchick's image
from costume Hitsugaya Toushirou
audioventchick A shot of me as Hitsugaya and my friend Lesley (LesleyJean311) as Matsumoto at Anime Expo. I really love this shot, despite my face looking a little too weird and my sash thing actually going around my boob (I really should have taped down). Well, compared to Matsumoto, I doubt people realized it anyway XD

Thanks to Al (Eurobeat King) for the wonderful photo! ^_^
  • lesleyjean311 hhahah, hannah, i think you say that for like every other picture shana puts up here! but i do like this pic though, i think it's cute! 18 years ago
  • HannahHex311 This is my favorite picture EVER! Seriously. 18 years ago