A group shot of our pre Final Fantasy VII group.
KirschwasserWow, what an incredibly awesome photograph. Not only is it of good quality, but you & the others in it are in such good costumes! This is the first time I've seen anybody cosplay the people of the past from FF7. Great job! XD18 years ago
Princess_Zeldahehehe, she's mine!
You three look wonderful!18 years ago
jess_85HOLY....goodness!!! xD That's one amazing FFVII group right there!!!
You all look soooo FANTASTIC!!!^^ Awesome job! =oP18 years ago
KeshiYou look great ^___^ Joanie, I love your hair *-* =318 years ago
mygirlfridayYou guys look so awesome! It's good to see these characters get some cosplay love.18 years ago
JoanieAwww, thank you Admiral_Cecil =^_^=18 years ago
Admiral_Cecil^_^, now that's some great looking costumes and you all look exactly like your respective characters.
Joanie, you always look awesome in all your pics.18 years ago
FINAL FANTASY VII!18 years ago