Ginryuu's image
from costume Cho Hakkai
Ginryuu Hakkai gathers his chi in his hands, readying the attack for when the berserk Goku charges. With a look of determination replacing the usual kind smile, he stares down his fellow demon...hoping to return him to the goofball that they all know.

Fun with lights! I swear those lights outside the convention center get so much use for awesome shots, since who doesn't love foreboding underlighting. I love how it makes my nails glow and how it lights me up in general! Plus it's finally a chi-shot that I didn't have to edit in all the light for!

Cosplay by me
Photo by kimu on her awesome camera of awesome that rocks the night shots.
  • otaku16 awesome cosplay ^_^ 13 years ago
  • brucer007 Sinister! The lighting, the facial expression, and the pose make for a very dramatic portrait! Go Ginryuu! 14 years ago