Chii Motosuwa's image
from costume Abel Nightroad
Chii Motosuwa So, since I couldn't finish my Cain costume in time for Anime North, we threw together a disguised Abel from the first volume of R.O.M. a couple days before the convention. Not my best costume, but it was still fun to wear... and very few people recognized me. Despite a lot of mistakes, such as that stupid hat, it's really pretty comfortable. XD

This is the Abel, Scoti, from my original TB group which fell through for the this con - we're hoping to be finished in time for Otakon.
  • Chipface Your costumes were awesome. Some of the most memorable ones there. 17 years ago
  • lawliet You guys look awesome together! I love your costume~ 17 years ago
  • Shokora Chii, As always, you look spectacular!!!! I LOVE this version of Abel, only seen one other one:) I wish I could just "whip" something up like this last did in those "last minutes" what would have taken me over a month to do....AWESOME! 17 years ago
  • Freak!! WoW cool shot..............very nice 17 years ago
  • VanillaMoon You really, really, (really....) did a very great job!!! 17 years ago
  • mikcy You rock so much for doing this version and it looked great. :3 Nun abel love ♥♥♥ 17 years ago