FullMetal Tora
Sasuke - Fullmetal Tora
Naruto - Frost-Aya
FullMetal ToraActually, no, we don't usually pretend to kiss each other out of costume... ><
So no, we don't "practice." We're just that good. We can do it without rehearsal....17 years ago
KikyouLuveroooooooooooooh...i wonder if they do..haha i took this one i remember cus i tripped trying to kneel down!17 years ago
Ryoko-and-YamiOh, my, my! From this angle it looks so real. Do you practice those fake kisses or something? XD17 years ago
FullMetal ToraYou might've taken it (I don't know, i just sort of threw my camera out there and hoped ppl would take pictures for me ^^;) ... if so, yes it's a great shot, and thanks. ^_^17 years ago