darkenedxstar's image
darkenedxstar left to right: Kumo as Hachi, me as Oosaki Nana, and Tara in regular clothes.

Kumo and I are cosplaying from the manga, NANA. It is a NOT ghetto outfit (well, sort of ^^;; it was so last minute) and we sewed it all. I wonder if anyone else recognizes that image... I doubt it xD; and yes, Nana does wear a bright orange tanktop. >___>" and uhm... excuse mes for my "lazy" pose. xD; I was tired >.> it was a Sunday of a con.

Reference Picture: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v622/xrukax/References/0d1d4667.jpg

Photo credit: yellow_rose37 on cosplay.com
  • Rikkucrazygirl Lovely nana cosplay *_* 19 years ago
  • yellow_rose37 You guys look awesome!! ^o^ 19 years ago
  • enna *lol* I wonder how many people know Nana just yet. XD Damn people here for being so slow. XD Long time no see ne my little star!! XD XD I miss you!! XD I wanna walk you too! XD 19 years ago