Miss Shadow
Joanna Dark is the protagonist of the Perfect Dark video game released for Nintendo 64 years ago, and it was truly the best FPS of those times, with a very fun multiplayer!
Joanna was considered the answer to Lara Croft, for being a beautiful girl protagonist armed to the teeth, but basically with Tomb Raider she is about as much as a fork in a soup: D
The CG images of Jo' at the time were really beautiful, and I've always wanted to do a faithful cosplay of the character, so I was very attentive to the details!
I made everything in eva foam (armor parts, belts and accessories), while for the costume I modified a blue zentai catsuit and made the underlying body in black leather-like spandex.
I also found the wig identical to her hairstyle, in the right color (usually the short ones are always too puffy, but this one really looks like your real hair!), so I consider it one of my best cosplays and I'm very proud of it!