Annelotte cosplay made and worn by me
Menace cosplay made and modeled by Crystal Likes
Photo captured by Eurobeat Kasumi Photography!
I like to rope in my gorgeous friends into Queen's Blade cosplay so I can give them compliments all day and take silly ecchi pictures.
QB is so much fun to cosplay because it is one of the most ridiculous fanservice anime I have ever watched. Annelotte barely gets tapped by a sword and all her armor FLIES OFF. In a way, the costume must have known it was a QB costume because not only did my armor keep trying to come off, my pantsu were too loose and kept slipping down as I walked. T_T Cobheran Cosplay was my designated panty-fixer because I couldn't bend over to adjust them in my armor. You better believe we got some very VERY awkward stares whenever he went under my butt-cape to fix them. =_=U