mr-kobayashiGreat shot, that mask is really scary!!14 years ago
ZanderGreat mask, and nice effect for the gas.14 years ago
Bunnjaminawesome job, nice picture and effect. great choice for a background/setting. you look better without the mask though ;)
comment my prince of persia and mask of the sandwraith!
latrix14 years ago
LimeshellsI just noticed the effects. God I love that scene. You did such a great job with Crane! And that mask is to die for.16 years ago
Sands RaineyI'm Japanese.
I love the movie!!
Nice that mask☆16 years ago
robopropEXACTLY like the movie.....beautiful!!16 years ago
JiggyJigensw00t. i heart when there's competition! lol, j/k. Great job man. (note: i gained a stalker over my crane progress pics alone, thats sad, ain't it?)19 years ago
wakareutaawesome! dr. crane is love XDDD you are t3h r0x0r5.19 years ago