AJ AngeliqueBreath Taking - http://community.livejournal.com/breathtakingcos/2509.html18 years ago
*Jibrielle*OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best cosplay ever!!18 years ago
ff7samThis is one of the coolest things I have ever seen! It brings me back...I used to have a toy of the horse she rode..Starlite..ahh..*drifts away on memories*18 years ago
RynnThat Patty O'Green is the best I've seen! Gah you guys are ALL awesome! ^_^19 years ago
ElectraStarrAbsolutely wonderful! The costumes are so spot on! I never could get my mother to make me a Rainbow Brite costume when I was a kid... see what happens, you just have to make it yourself!!
You guys look amazing!!19 years ago
Fullmetal ChibiFLIPPIN'. AWESOME. Yay!!!! =D! Nice costumes ^_^! -Edo19 years ago
SolblancaLOL yes!! even the guys are there!! you guys totally rock!! ahh this has made my day! *jumps for joy while singing the rainbow bright theme song*19 years ago