Arkadia's image
from costume Cassandra
Arkadia I'm horribly sad about my picture being taken. I also can't help but be distracted by my friend's nipple. I's just there...

I think I'm pouting because there is a nipple behind me.
  • Vani Ya know, I gotta admit that the nipple stood out to me too. I saw your cute face first but then was like... NIPPLE! o__o 16 years ago
  • Arkadia test 17 years ago
  • Princess_Zelda awe, why would you look so sad in such a beautiful costume??? 18 years ago
  • Cicatrice ;_; sad panda~! 20 years ago
  • Solaria Ohhhh that's so sad. . . poor Cassandra. . . :: hands you an Ed plushie :: 20 years ago