Chii Motosuwa's image
Chii Motosuwa This is my lovely scarf for Cain... I've painted the decals onto white satin with fabric paint, then heat and bonded them to the scarf itself. The black fabric I used for the scarf has some texture to it, so it was easier to transfer them than to paint them on directly.

Since the image on the right is half obscured in the reference, I kind of winged the rest of it. n__n;; I hope it turned out alright.

The one on the left is almost finished - just needs the left side point and the other eye. =D
  • YagamiRaito Aweesoooome! So intricate! Looks incredible. 17 years ago
  • astillar That's hella awesome. Nice work! 17 years ago
  • Maryslittlelamb WOOOOOWWWW O___O 17 years ago
  • Edgar Strife Awesome job! 17 years ago
  • Shokora It's beautiful, Chii!!!!!! As silent_dreaming stated, what patience you must have!!!!! The detail is amazing!!!! 17 years ago
  • silent_dreaming OMG, that looks amazing! You must have infinite patience. 17 years ago
  • Cloudgurl your insane, I can't wait to see Cain this weekend. 17 years ago
  • WiredClover That looks amazing! Fantastic job! 17 years ago