darkenedxstar's image
darkenedxstar It's Toshiya's birthday today. In North region of course. March 31st!! Hope his bass skill gets better and better year to year more!!

hai hai. Not right hair or makeup. =___=""
  • lainey cutie =p 19 years ago
  • ThatNameTaken very cute, love the pose as well thumbs up for me! 19 years ago
  • darkenedxstar Yu: you?? 8D Alex: YO. *Cool pose* yes yes. :3 probably Toshiya is going to get better like fine wine each year. XDDDDD and yummier too!! :9 Shinji: THANX!! ^ v ^ +Yomi+: domo arigatou!! <3 ~Arizu~: I guess its a good thing. XDDDD I wouldn't want to look like the same person all the time. > w < Thank you so much!! ^___^ Shigai: (laugh) badass~~ XDDDDD try to try to. XDDDD And yes!! I finally did it~ :3 so it's great!! ^ w ^ EvenAngelsFalte: thanks x 59027350982309!! *hug* mariksgrl: awww!! >___< I'm sorry to hear that! You can always cosplay him later or something right?? And just do it as a belated one?? ^ v ^ I hope you feel better soon!! T____T thx for the compliment! 19 years ago
  • mariksgrl omg i was goin to do something for toshya to TT-TT sadly i couldnt cause i was sick ...but anyway ....I LOVE IT AND HAPPY BDAY TOSHIYA!! 19 years ago
  • EvenAngelsFalte AWWWWWW x 32y814983759354 ^^ 19 years ago
  • Shigai You did it!!! >w< Coool coool, you're so bad-ass in this pic, yeeh!! xDDDDDDDDD 19 years ago
  • ~Arizu~ Ahhhhhhhhhhh soo cool...<DD Moah you look so different...*~*...but it looks goooood ^x^ 19 years ago
  • +Yomi+ *_* how cute~~ >~ 19 years ago
  • Shinji Tokugawa XDDD So cute!!!XDDD 19 years ago
  • Pink_Sushi Maybe Toshiya is like a fine wine. He only gets better each year. XDD Your doing the "cool" hand pose. :P 19 years ago
  • ~Yukiko~ Who's that sexy bitch? XD 19 years ago
  • darkenedxstar Sure are!! XDDDDD and cheaper too!! (laugh) 19 years ago
  • Starlit Rose It's still cute. XD Purikura-style photos are fun. 19 years ago