ThatNameTakenvery cute, love the pose as well
thumbs up for me!19 years ago
darkenedxstarYu: you?? 8D
Alex: YO. *Cool pose* yes yes. :3 probably Toshiya is going to get better like fine wine each year. XDDDDD and yummier too!! :9
Shinji: THANX!! ^ v ^
+Yomi+: domo arigatou!! <3
~Arizu~: I guess its a good thing. XDDDD I wouldn't want to look like the same person all the time. > w < Thank you so much!! ^___^
Shigai: (laugh) badass~~ XDDDDD try to try to. XDDDD And yes!! I finally did it~ :3 so it's great!! ^ w ^
EvenAngelsFalte: thanks x 59027350982309!! *hug*
mariksgrl: awww!! >___< I'm sorry to hear that! You can always cosplay him later or something right?? And just do it as a belated one?? ^ v ^ I hope you feel better soon!! T____T thx for the compliment!19 years ago
mariksgrlomg i was goin to do something for toshya to TT-TT sadly i couldnt cause i was sick ...but anyway ....I LOVE IT AND HAPPY BDAY TOSHIYA!!19 years ago