Arkadia's image
from costume Ayame
Arkadia So this guy selling Love Sacs had Solaria and I sit in one so he could take a picture. Then many people started taking pictures. Then it got we left.
  • Jinyo That is an odd tale... "OMG! Hawt chicks sitting down! On a bean bag! Get the camera!" *snap* *snap* *snap* It is an awfully cute pic, tho... *snap* 19 years ago
  • Arkadia Wow...flawless? Thanks for the complient Chibi. It made my day. Yeah, I think it would have been pretty cool to have one of the if it wasn't for the fact that they were called "love sacs" 20 years ago
  • Solaria Dude that was so weird. . . like, I sank really far into that chair, and then when we had to get up, I had to be really careful not to flash anyone. . . and our friends kept laughing at us. . . 20 years ago
  • The-Real-Link Aww :) That looks really comfortable, and would be a great place for a photo! Too bad it got creepy though. >< Nice job to both of you! 20 years ago
  • Chibi_Misao1 Waahie! Your like, the first Ayame I have seen that is like...Flawless. So kewt hun! *huggles* Keep up the great work ^_~ Kewt picture by the way =D <3, Kitty (Also known as Kagome or Misao XD) 20 years ago