ItsSewQuiet's image
ItsSewQuiet I need to do a little bit more needle work on the organza netting but um yeah... pretty much done. I will say this has been an interesting costume to work on and I've learned alot. Lots of trial and error. Combination of techniques and suggestions from my peers here on Thanks guys.

Everything you see is created from scratch. None of it is store pre-made. I did not use a computerized embroidery software to create this. it is all me. =) The lace and embroidery was created by myself by old skool hand embroidery and free motion machine embroidery. I now understand why wedding dress cost so much when it has lots of raised embroidery on it. Its very time consuming. @_@

This is my last progress pic. Going to have to wait till AWA to see the entire costume.
  • Earthychan Very Pritty!! 15 years ago
  • nemo-chan yesss omg i'm so happy of seeing someone do this version of viletta i've plan to made it next year ^^ i really want to see a picture of you with the all costume :D 15 years ago