saiyan689's image
from costume Dante
saiyan689 Current progress of the sword of the first side so far. Gonna finish other side when the neodymium magnets arrive. Need to stick those on the inside of the sword before I close up the other side.
  • Mist Dae how heavy is the sword? mine was 5 pounds and i ended up using 16 rare earth magnets to get it to stay. but it couldnt have worked more beautifully, rebellion stayed on while i was walking but rolled off my shoulder easily for pics let me know if you have any trouble arranging them, i found stacking them works best 16 years ago
  • saiyan689 Cool. Looking forward to seeing your progress. Main reasons I chose cardboard was, 1. so it doesn't turn out too heavy for the magnets, and 2. no access to wood and a woodshop near me. v_v;; At least you're lucky enough to find those magnets in a store nearby. I have to order them online cuz no one retails them around here. >.<;; And no problem, glad to be of help. 16 years ago
  • Kaidenkotsu niiice. thanks ^_^ i was curious cuz im doing rebellion out of so ill show you what ive got soon and the magnet idea simply amazing. i actually got those neodymium magnets from a hobby shop that we have here. pretty pricey but will work for the sword to stay on my back :D thanks again *thumbs up* 16 years ago
  • saiyan689 Hmmm...Well, the skull I got from the Dollar store. It was one of those cheap POTC cheap knock off pirate skulls. All hard plastic, so I had to cut up alot of it, including cut the mouth to separate it into an open mouth, make a mold of an eyebrow for one side to match the other, etc... The hilt... That I did on my own with hard cardboard to make the spikes, and the center of those spikes, I put one metal one, which was a wine bottle cork also bought at a dollar store. The arms are actually foam cut off from those cheap foam swords, and covered and shaped them more with play-doh. All the blue around the skull is also play-doh for when I inserted the skull into the styrofaom, there was alot of openings and gaps, filled them with play-doh. And since play-doh hardens and cracks, I put a thin layer of hot glue all of it wherever I saw it, thus kept the shape and hardness needed. 16 years ago
  • Kaidenkotsu whered u get the skull pieces? and any tips for the hilt? like wats the blue stuff? :D nice progress none the less 16 years ago
  • CosplayerGabi Coming along really nicely. I had the same idea for magnets too. So I'm curious how yours turns out when you use them. 16 years ago
  • saiyan689 Thanks. It's not easy, but I'm getting there. 16 years ago
  • LadyCerbero nice job ^^ 16 years ago