Liliana's image
Liliana I love this cosplay SO MUCH!! GAHHH.

The headress was really heavy! with all the feathers and the two long vails hanging down from the back... PLUS some of the long hanging armor pieces in the back too. I'm surprised that thing didn't fall off my head! XD hehe.

and Go epic armor falling off my shoulders!~ Ahahaha! Fixy it!~ 8D Luckly it's not that bad or noticeable. Could be FAAAARRRRR WORSE. XD

Thanks heekun for this very BEAUTIFUL photo! You are so talented. *O*
  • Mao_Melissa So detailed and elegant and I must say you have such a pretty fair complexion like Ashe. This cosplay suits you very well! 12 years ago
  • TMLiza This is amazing. *_* The detail work is just awesome. 12 years ago
  • vulpiepop Wonderfully done! Good job! 12 years ago
  • ashelia89 you look so beautiful :D !!! 12 years ago
  • kaori1 Wow this is incredible! 12 years ago
  • Divine Dragon Looks amazing! So intricate. 12 years ago