darkenedxstar's image
from costume Ruka(瑠樺)
darkenedxstar wtf? XDDDDD"
please ignore the lame title.
eto... >-->
I think I've improved a bit. I mean by trying to look like Ruka.

and yes, I remade Jishou completely. ^____^"
I hated my old one. It was too tight. :x
  • darkenedxstar I believe so. yup. ^____^ *hugs* Of course we should cosplay together! You'll make a cute Yomitchi *patpat* I hope to see you around okay?? ^w^ 19 years ago
  • Chibi Kyo OMG YOU LOOK SUPER CUTE!!!! =3333 *hugs you tons* when I cosplay Yomi, we should cosplay TOGETHER!! ^______^ your going to AX right? 19 years ago
  • darkenedxstar Awww!! Kyo-chan!! You're too sweet!! *hugs* yeah!! of course! We will have to cosplay Naito together someday!! *hughug* ^____^ 19 years ago
  • ChocoKyo666 *O* you look so awesome!! <33333 BEST RUKA EVER. ^.^ Hope one day we can cosplay Naito together <3 19 years ago
  • darkenedxstar Kyubi: thx!! ^^ I looked at your Yuli costume~~ It looks amazing!! *0* I love it~~ <3 Shigai: cutie cutie Togeee~~ XDDDD *hughug* 19 years ago
  • Shigai Cutie cutie ruruuuu~~~ *hughug* >//w// 19 years ago
  • Kyubi °_° what cool ruka *.* very amazing~ and so cute aswell °=>____<=° 19 years ago
  • darkenedxstar Neko: *glomped!* <3333 XDDDD Alex: yay!! followers! :OOO I must be cool. LOL. XDDDD omg.. wtf? I'm acting retarded again. >____> uhhh yes. -has an L on the forehead- XD 19 years ago
  • Pink_Sushi *HAILS* XDDDD 19 years ago
  • NekoXPurin85 wah~~ you look kawaii~~~ *__* glomp 19 years ago
  • darkenedxstar Thank you y'all! :3 Arisu: YAH!! go do more Ruka cosplay!! hrhrhr~~ <3 you make such a cute Ru!! ^___^ Xue: Nope! XDDD I haven't dyed my hair recently actually. O___O Just since January~~ but no difference. O___O and a baby form kinda thing?? XDDDD" I'm not in shock. >___> thats cause I'm younger than him :x 19 years ago
  • ThatNameTaken sry i guess they don't work :( 19 years ago
  • ThatNameTaken [b] nice it looks aw-some, especially the title i just found these so i'm using it (y) (y) OMGa these things are aw-some if they work i'm testing stuff but anyway the pic is aw-some again and i have to see what happens now. thumbs up for me![/b] 19 years ago
  • xue you look so much like him here <3 .. but in 'baby' form ^^;. kinda younger >_> have you dyed your hair btw???.. looks different 19 years ago
  • ~Arizu~ Ahhhhhhh Magie cool cool cool...*~* One day I'm going to make it, too...>D''' Ah that's wondeful >o 19 years ago
  • akindo wahh sooo cool!!~~ o...o 19 years ago