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Marychan I am one of those stubborn Yuki, Tohru and Kyo relationship should remain platonic, supporter. I mean it would break my heart, as it will destroy either party, for Tohru to pick one over the other.

I am a shojo anime fangirl, and I do waste my days watching sappy anime. However, this is one of those rare cases, in which I shutter at the prospect of a love triangle. I mean what the three of them have is so pure and innocent. I would hate for guilt, jealousy and bitterness to destroy it. Following the manga, I know my idea is naïveté, but I bet Tohru feels the same way.

So what is going to happen, I can only hope for the best.

I will however approve of two following outcome:
Season 2: YAOIs Basket
Season 2: Mistress Tohru

LOL. I’m such a baka.

Btw- AWESOME Yuki and Kyo(Odhinn) cosplayer.
  • silenthillnurse that's really cute! 17 years ago
  • Marychan Neoanglewink- thanks, and u also make a cute Tohru theonlyangel77- yea oh the dilema, hahahah how totally random if a Tohru twin just pop out of nowhere ^_^ Odhinn- and you a marvelous Kyo Tifa Lock- Yeah too bad that's not the direction the manga is heading. Thanks. Chibi Kitsune- Thank you so much! 18 years ago
  • Kitsune You make an adorable Tohru! ^^ I love the poses. 18 years ago
  • Tifa_Lock I understand what you say :3 I would like Tohru to not pick one of them, either >< · The three of them together look just so sweet!! >w< · Btw, great shot! Looks very cute :3 18 years ago
  • Odhinn ahh i soo look forward to hanging out with you at AX ^_^ you make an awesome Tohru ^_^ 18 years ago
  • theonlyangel77 I agree.. even though I love KYO with all the bones in my body (hehehe) I actually fell for Yuki first! SO I totally agree! unless Tohru gets a long lost twin or something, Im glad it is the way it is! Oh and by the way. LOVE THE COSTUME!!!! Great work!!!! 18 years ago
  • neoangelwink awwwww 19 years ago
  • Marychan oh my goodness, well Takaya is like a genius. So you mean thing will even get more intense and emotional for the three of them? Oh the anticipation, snift still can't get Vol 12. 19 years ago
  • Dewy I mean past 11 hehe. It's not disapointing at all! Takaya is so good at doing that. ;_; 19 years ago
  • Marychan livvylove- Awww that make me so happy to hear that. Thank you. <3 Dewy- Thankies. Yeah I did read Vol 11 and well it was just the sweetest thing when Yuki and Kyo finally confess their feelings. Especially Kyo’s realization, awww my heart went out to him. Still though, I can’t bear the though of Tohru having to break one of these boys heart. 19 years ago
  • Dewy If you read farther in the manga that opnion might change. 8D What a cute pictureee! 19 years ago
  • livvylove Too cute! you guys look like you jumped off the page 19 years ago
  • Marychan KTMoneyJ- Thank you very much. <3 Crystalike- Your'e way too sweet. Thank you that is like a HUGE compliment. Hugs. 19 years ago
  • Crystalike you are so cute...<3 all three of you look like you popped out of teh anime! 19 years ago
  • KTMonkeyJ This is way too cute!! 19 years ago
  • Marychan Aww thank you. HaruVamp- YES we should definitly write the scrip; What were you leaning toward, Yaoi Basket or Tohru+? 19 years ago
  • HaruVamp all of you 3 rocks X3 lol and I can't wait for this season 2 lol lets write a script together X33333 that picture is sooo cute and huugeble *-* wonderful meow" 19 years ago
  • Elemental Adorable! 19 years ago
  • Marychan Thankies. Awwwww, but you look so cute when you smile. :D 19 years ago
  • shirogami520 OMG I am actually smiling in this pic! x3;; Nuuu I must remain my angst Yuki look! xD <3 the Tohru! 19 years ago
  • Marychan awww thankies, it's one of my favorite furuba pose 19 years ago
  • mousegirl aww so cute!! 19 years ago