AlandriaIt's so rare to see Team Rocket cosplays with actual attention put to hair details! Those wigs are amazing (gotta love you defying gravity!) The uniforms look very good, too!15 years ago
LupinThis is just all the way perfect!
So like everyone ells, I agree! Best Team Rocket cosplayer's I've seen so far!15 years ago
Yuna_sunamazing picture you done a great job!!16 years ago
MutenWow! Your Jessie is beyond belief! That hair is awesome. It's obvious you put a lot of work into it to get it PERFECT! Your Team Rocket photo is really cool, great shot.16 years ago
TazzieGreat job!!! I adore your wig! (*_ _*)b16 years ago
GinevraWaaaaaaaa you're among my favourites!!!
Amazing Jessie's wig O______O!!
I love Team Rocket!!!16 years ago