Tessceres's image
from costume Lulu
Tessceres Photo courtesy of Tequilla
Yuna: Maid Kyli
Tidus: KHriku_4ever
Wakka: Tyler
Lulu: Me ^_^
  • Kitsoru What an excellent group O: Very nice! 15 years ago
  • Yuna_sun hey kawaii 15 years ago
  • KHRiku_4ever I love this shot, though I feel we should try to take a nicer one some time! I have many many more ideas for photo's to come at Acen!! We should definitely use that forest behind the Hyatt to our advantage! Also, don't know if I mentioned but I loved playing with Tyler's blitzball so much I started making one for myself xD Well this is getting long so I'll end it by saying ZANARKAND RULES!! 15 years ago
  • eerinsowl this picture is so full of win! I love you guys, you guys are perfect 15 years ago