The-Real-Link's image
from costume Link
The-Real-Link After several years in development, this is now my newest Ocarina of Time prop! Worthy of being found in the Fire Temple, this prop has turned out beyond expectations.

All preliminary designs in AutoCAD, 3ds Max, Premiere Videography, and structural/density connections and diagrams were designed by me. Hammer fabricated through Ore Creek Metalworkz. The steel came from Larry Stevens' (father of Hellsingripvan) plant about four months before he was involved in a fatal truck accident. Thanks for the help, Larry.

Various types of tool steels were used along with thick 1/4" ASTM36 plate for the frame. Handle features recessed ball bearings and 3oz vegetable tanned leather discs compressed and lacquered for durability. The top column ornament features the Goron's Crest for embellishment though more carvings and designs will be added to the hammer later on. Timeframe from concept to completion was approximately 3 years, generally due to difficulty in working with the amount of metal involved and working out design issues from artwork to reality. Weight is a comfortable 35 lbs :)
  • linksliltri4ce O...M...G...! You are my hero! 14 years ago
  • Tenshi Musouka That is too cool for words! 15 years ago
  • AuroraPeachy Soooo amazing ^_^ 16 years ago
  • Arroyo Top notch craftsmanship here- great work! 16 years ago
  • Traeonna This thing was heavy and was fun when getting it okay'd by Security (because everyone wanted to hold it then). I want one of these and call it my ban hammer of doooooom! 16 years ago
  • Hiyoko-chan LOL that is the greatest LoZ prop i will ever see XD XD thanks for letting me wield it!! Dark Zelda demands obedience! hehe! 16 years ago
  • Miyabi- I was so amazed by this when I saw it at the Youmacon booth. O_O Seriously..I'm so happy you finally got it..I know how much you were looking forward to having it. ^_^ 16 years ago
  • TheLadySummoner Jesus 35lbs! And they let you carry that thing at the con!?! Now that is a weapon! It looks really great, though. Straight out of the game! 16 years ago
  • HezaChan Holy POO! That is so freaking sweeeet. 16 years ago
  • Scoti 35lbs? It looks way more! You did an amazing job, I really like the texture in the metal. 16 years ago
  • SvK Wow. A prop that nice would be a tempting target for thieves, but they would be unable to escape under its weight. 16 years ago
  • Rikku-chan This is SOOO AMAZING. thank you for letting me hold it, even if you semi forced me to!! hahaha XD coolest prop EVER!! 16 years ago