Ginryuu's image
from costume Kotsubaki Sentarou
Ginryuu The 3rd Seats of 13th company stand tall. They're ready to follow, ready to serve, ready to fight. The trick is getting them to fight the hollows instead of each other.

So working through some backlog...this is from back in January WHEN WE HAD SO MANY SQUAD 13 MEMBERS IT WAS BRILLIANT.

Just so Kiyone and I were just durping around while the Taichous and Fuku-Taichous went to momentarily rearrange things. Lo and behold...we found their room...or more accurately balcony. So we go over and be obnoxious and get our photo taken! Love the way it turned out though...gotta say. I think it's my unhealthy love of extreme angles. The only edits here are minor adjustments and my goatee...because I was durp and forgot to wear it that day.

Kotetsu Kiyone: Yukari Kaiba
Kotsubaki Sentarou: me
Photo by Kimu
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