warui-shoujoHoly Sheetz! Dude this is totally awesome. Great lighting and composition. It really brings out the mask and makes me feel like I'm looking at a photo from the movie!13 years ago
Red Destinyo.0 OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoh Scary X3 Amazing cosplay! I love the buildings in the backround ^^14 years ago
Firefly026This is so incredibly terrifying. I love it so much!!!14 years ago
TrirSo creepy, but so perfect. You did an amazing job on this. Somehting i wouldn't want to run into in a dark alley.
Love the city at night as a backdrop.14 years ago
VampiricMosaicNow this is an awsome picture!14 years ago
TranquilityThis is a kickass picture. Wow!14 years ago
jinglebooboooh wow that is terrifying. but in all the best ways. the composition in the picture is very eye catching as well. great job :)14 years ago
ChergnomebylAwesome job. You pulled this off nicely and best I've seen.14 years ago
negativedreamersuch an awesome mask... is that downtown orlando? i never thought of shooting there on top of a garage. May i steal your epic idea?!?14 years ago
Ph33r CactuarFrighteningly good costume lol Very nice14 years ago