shushuwafflez's image
from costume Seth Nightroad
shushuwafflez This is just a really quick update of where I am with this project. I've been working on the sleeves for almost 5 days and they are still not done! NOT EVEN 1!

I'm still working on the embroidery for it. I feel like every time I look at it something is missing. There is also a lantern sleeve piece that will be added to the shoulder soon as well.

Sooooo much to do and all I can do is be patient and keep chipping at it. I will be multitasking as well to get other costumes done at the same time.
  • MDA I'm so excited that I'll be able to see this in perso at Anime North! I must ask, what machine do you use to the embroidery and how much is it? I need to do embroidery in a couple years and have been looking around... but the prices... so expensive @_@ 12 years ago
  • WARPAINTandUnicorns I'm so envious of your singer embroidery. lol I love you rabbit that just chilling as well. 12 years ago
  • Seena-Cha awwww man this looks sooooo sick *O* I cant wait to see this in real life =D 12 years ago
  • leahhime Your work is amazing! I can't wait to see it finished. Good luck. 12 years ago
  • silent_dreaming Looks really fantastic! I'm really looking forward to seeing it finished, your attention to detail is fabulous. ^^ 12 years ago
  • beloved4ever That's looking great! Already one of the best I've seen ;) 12 years ago
  • Merino Your detailing is wonderful! I am excited to see the final product. 12 years ago
  • Athel Gorgeous!!! The details! I am amazed at the progress alone! 12 years ago
  • Shappi This so beautifull. Great job! 12 years ago