Lil_Neko-Chan's image
Lil_Neko-Chan I totally didn't know Ino was back there :P I was actually kinda tired so I just rested my head on Sakura's shoulder after I thought we had finished taking romancy shots of me and Sakura~chan. Apparently the picture-taking continued XP

Hikaru Tenma as Naruto
Kikyouluver as Sakura
Me as Sai
Ryoko as Ino
  • Lil_Neko-Chan ummm....I can explain??? ^^; 17 years ago
  • Ryoko-and-Yami lol this is cute! But Sai why are you with Forehead!??? : ( 17 years ago
  • LeanaMee101 Sakura looks like she wants to push Sai off..xD 17 years ago