Finally I received a few more pictures of my updated Monica costume. I added some more details and got the opportunity to have a great group at Animagic. Thanks to squirrelofdoom for the pic^^
seelyawesome *___*
just love this pic!15 years ago
silvverlove the movement! awesome work! :D15 years ago
GinryuuOh wow. You don't see any Black Widows at all. And you did her really, really well. I love all of the attention you paid to the copious amounts of detail that the artists tend to put into Trinity Blood. Just...everything about this cosplay is spot on, it's really amazing!15 years ago
InoliBeautiful action shot for a most beautiful costume!
such an incredible job on the costume15 years ago
NeizferWOHOOOOOOOOOO it look sooOO awesome !!
you look soo cool!15 years ago