shushuwafflez's image
from costume Trump Series Wizard
shushuwafflez Still not finished with the skirt, but I've done quite a bit since last time I updated.

I added a crinoline layer underneath with lining to help hold the skirt shape. I also got to try my ruffler foot and that was and interesting experience. I will talk about it on youtube when I start making videos again.

A piece is added to the front of the skirt to finish off the details. I applique the blue on to purple then added a satin bias around the edges to match the picture/bottom of the skirt.

As you can see on the picture, I finally draped the swags that go around the top of the skirt. I've shown how I draft the pattern and how it looks when you drape with Charmeuse. I love draping with Charmeuse. I've made Neptune's gown out of it for a friend in the past and it's so soft and beautiful~

Tomorrow I will finish off the skirt. I hope I will get around to sewing the bodice... I also got more parts printed on the 3D printer for my prop. So far so good! Whatever I did to fix it is working and I'm having no problems with it anymore
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