darkenedxstar's image
darkenedxstar I'm not in a Kisaki mood but... XDDD I feel really...uhm... I don't know. O_o I feel MASK-ish~~ even though this has nothing to do with MASK. > //// < buuu~~ I will cosplay MASK's Sana someday!!

but yes... in the mean time, old pictures. >___>"

(don't ask about that black blob there) ^___^"
  • darkenedxstar Pink: but thats cause you were off in Ohayocon silly~~ XDDD So thats okay~~ &gt; w < but broody? O_O -goes off to see what that means- my english is getting worse/t and worse/t. &gt;___&gt;&quot; xue: XDDDD thank you~~ &gt; w 19 years ago
  • xue &lt;3 ~ Maggie.... so adorable 19 years ago
  • Pink_Sushi I havnt posted anything in a while. XD You look so pretty and maybe a bit &quot;broody&quot;. ^_^ 19 years ago
  • darkenedxstar Shigai: haaa~~ -dies- You want to be Aoi or Jin? O_o the ex-vocalist is called Aoi... then the new one is Jin. (laugh) Kazutake is bass I believe. @_@ or I just never knew... but I think I'm right. XDDDDD &lt;3 well!! If you do~~ I would drag you along too~~ &gt; w &lt; So does that mean you're being Jin or Aoi or Kazutake?? @___@ -loves all- and yes!! I love Sana-kun!! &gt;///&lt; hes so fucking adorable!! *Q* and hot. XDDD *runs away all fangirly giggling* Reita: thank you so much~~ ^^ I just don't like the color sadly. ;~~; Shinji: I used to want to cosplay Kisaki!! XDDDD I just wasn't in a Kisaki mood. &gt; /// &lt; but yes!! I MUST cosplay Sana. he is a MUST on my list. @___@ lets just hope I can make it now. XDDD Akusesu: thankyou!! Firelight: thank you very mucho~~ ^///^ I didn't know sharpie comes off with nail polish remover. O_O but I'm still not doing that!! XDDD -has like what? 9 bottles of different brand name black nail polish and all suck- 19 years ago
  • anime_firelight Pretty ::poke:: ^.^~ Sharpie comes off with nail polish remover 19 years ago
  • Akusesu wow so nice! XD 19 years ago
  • Shinji Tokugawa You look so nice in this picture Maggie san! But...cosplay what you feel like cosplaying! Make the MASK COSPLAY!! Come on!!!XDDD 19 years ago
  • reita awwwww... you look so great in this pic *pokes* i love it *-* 19 years ago
  • Shigai sekushiii!! *0* You look so cool in this pic~~ Oh, and if you cosplay Sana... be aware, I will go wherever you are, and I will kidnap you, and I will use you as my TOY!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *rolls over the floor with evil smile* Ahh... sorry... just obsessed with Sana-sama XDDDDDDDDDDD Oh, and come to Spain sometime, cause I want to do Mask singer's cosplay!! (Kazutake is the name? don't remember... I screamed to Sana :D) 19 years ago
  • darkenedxstar XDDDD nooo. my black nail polish was cheap and falling off. >____&lt; I'm a chicken I never had the guts to play with sharpie on my hand cause I thought it smelled terrible and I'm artistically challenged!! XDDDD So I would be afraid to mess up. (laugh) 19 years ago