ThatNameTakenthat is one cute pic i've seen and so far u are the cutest person i seen and plus that hair looks so real it's like at first i though it was real until i read the comments.
thumbs up for me!!!19 years ago
~Arizu~Ah...yes...ôo...ICQ and msn messenger... ._.
[email protected] ...that's msn...>D'
And I hate ICQ so I don't think that I must give you my number...ôo19 years ago
darkenedxstarRose: thank you~~ its fake. >__< besides the bangs. 8D
Arizu: do you have messenger?? I can give you on that. > w < I don't want to put it here. XDDDD19 years ago I don't hink so...>D...
I just need your adresse...not more...ôo...19 years ago
yellow_rose37Kawaii!! I luuuuv your hair!! =D19 years ago
darkenedxstar@all: thank you~~ > w < XDDDD I tried. >___>" really... hard XD
Arizu: OMG!! *0* I can have it?? -dies- I would loveee too~~~ >___< if it is not a bother to ya!!19 years ago
~Arizu~PS: if you want to you can have the Gigaflare frog cap...I don't need it any more...I'm going to sew a new one...xD'''
A BETTER one...>D'''19 years ago
~Arizu~Ahhhhhhhh cuuuuuteeeeeee!*Q*
*luv²*19 years ago
Nokutesuyour pose is very cutie~~~~~~>o<,,~~~~
*jump hug*19 years ago
darkenedxstaranime_firelight: XDDDDD really? O_O
I wink too often. >___>" -winks- ^___~
Cutekitten: thank you. But the long hair is fake and the bangs are real. XDDD
Maple: X3 arigatou gozaimasu Maple-san~~
koenta: *is stolen* OMGAD!! XDDD I GET TO LIVE WITH KOENTA!!!!!1111!!!!1ONE
Tonomura Bix: yes I do. X___x to find a "nice" location *shifty eyes*
thats NOT my house XD19 years ago
Tonomura Bixcuuute~! =D And yesh, you need to take full body shots~! ^^19 years ago
koenta*steal u home* <3333333 so cute ;3;19 years ago
CutekittenYour hair is soooo pretty! =^_^=
Me wants!19 years ago
anime_firelightkawaii XD I can't shut one eye.... like that. >.O ::tries spastically:: Hmmm take full body shots dark :D I need to seeee soon lol19 years ago