darkenedxstar's image
darkenedxstar so let's see... its been a while since I've done this. Since October perhaps?? This refering to the whole him. The him refers to Toshiya of course. XD"

I think I'll do some more Toshiya cosplays again. > w < I have a few in my mind I really want to make. X3


and yes. I know. Its Kyo's birthday. ^ 0 ^"

  • darkenedxstar thx Yolk!! ^---^ 19 years ago
  • yolkler >W<,, The Type of Deity~~~~~~ very cute tot ne~~~ heheheee *hug* 19 years ago
  • darkenedxstar its ghetto. 8D the only thing I actually sewed was the eyepatch. XDDDDDD the jacket is just a jean jacket. >___> and photoshopped till it looked darker. :/ I want to make it too ;___; Toto looked so cool in it! 19 years ago
  • xue you look so cute! aww >3< i really wanted to do this cos, but.. ah... -shakes empty wallet- 19 years ago
  • darkenedxstar Pink_Sushi: XDDDDDDD *hug* The eyepatch was made just... last minute. XDDDDDD Yu: why would you wanna cosplay ugly ol'me when you can cosplay other cooler cosplayers?! :OOO tEnTen: awwww~~ ;___; you should of. This was just ghetto. XDDDD I'll sew it someday. >___>" Miara: thank you very much! ^___^ Shigai: I was pressing my head. O___o thats cool? (laugh) maybe I should press my head more often. (laugh) thank you anyways! *hug* XDDDD Lainey: yeah. I couldn't see very well. X___x *one eye vision* O____- Nevar: nuuu ;~~; its because I'm fat plus I have a bad camera and le angle. Okay~~ maybe I am making too much excuse. But its my fat cheeks. XD" 19 years ago
  • Nevar Looks good, nice pose :D Wah you look as if you're sucking on the ciggy real hard ne? lol *j/k* 19 years ago
  • lainey how can u walk around with an eye covered lol my perception would be destroyed and i'd be bumping into things lol 19 years ago
  • Shigai waaaaa~~~ kakkoiiiiiii >/////< You look so bad-ass with that eye-patch and that pose! Yeh yeh, cool Darkened!!! >w&lt; *loves iiiiiiit* 19 years ago
  • RoxyDirKaoru You look so KAKOII! Your sduch an adorable Toshiya! ^^ 19 years ago
  • tEnTen deity >//w//&lt; I wanted to cos this one on new years eve but I didnt finish it. so cool hihi. a long time ago since you did cosplay toshiya the last time right? ^0^ 19 years ago
  • ~Yukiko~ I'm going to cosplay YOU. After I peel your skin off. But I will also need that eyepatch. And perhaps a SARS mask. :D 19 years ago
  • Pink_Sushi TOTCHI COS!! yay! XD *hug* I love that eye patch thing. 19 years ago