darkenedxstar's image
darkenedxstar Happy Holidays... Merry Christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL~~~!! ^____^
  • darkenedxstar XDDDD yes we do!! ;~~~; you looks so cute in your Kana cos!! ^______^ BAH!! escape Chilliwack~~!! ;______; weeee missss youuuu!!! Xmas cos in the summer would be funny (laugh) 19 years ago
  • Sylver gah *flails* we need to do our panic*ch x-mas cosplays together now!!! >.<; if I can ever escape chilliwack -.-; *dies* it looks so good by the way~ 19 years ago
  • darkenedxstar Yolk: NOT AS CUTE AS YOUU~!! &gt;_< bububu!! -pinches your cheeks- Shinji: ahhh... thank you~!! &gt;__< I hope to see you do more Kyo cosplays!! I haven't seen you online and cosplaying for a while!! Pikacello: Merry Christmas to you~!!~ ^___^ Rosie: eeeep!! I haven't talked to you in the longest time!! &gt;___< Merry Christmas to you!! Mine was terrible. &gt;_&gt;&quot; but I hope yours was good!! ^____^ I'll talk to you soon ne~! Yu: hai. It is over!! ;___; Merry Kurimasu to you~!! ^___^ Piyo: what the hell are you talking about?? One of my legs are fatter than the other!! XDDD it looks messed here!! ;___; I hate my 'thighs' 19 years ago
  • piyo2himi I'm late, but Merry Christmas! So sexay. XDXDDD You got such nice and cute legs!! T^T 19 years ago
  • Yukaoru How cuuuute! *-* meri kurisumasu by the way although it is already over. ^^°° Kawaiii! *huuugs* 19 years ago
  • YuffieK MERRY CHRISTMAS MAGGIE!!!! *hugs* I havn't talked to you in a while... ^^;;. Hope your Christmas went well :33. 19 years ago
  • Pikacello Merry Christmas, dearie.. ^_^ You're so cute! 19 years ago
  • Shinji Tokugawa XDDD;; Maggie san, you look so cute!XDD &gt;///// 19 years ago
  • yolkler Marry Christmas~~~ kawaii ne~~~ hehe 19 years ago
  • darkenedxstar sankyuu avskull. Merry Christmas nya... XDDDDD 19 years ago
  • avskull darkenedxstar all your pictures are cute, your face is so cute. you can do no wrong ^_^ 19 years ago
  • darkenedxstar tEnTen: wahhh~~ -legs have a hole now- bitemarks from tEnTen~~!! YAAYYY!! XDDDD I miss you too!! ;____; *huggle* Chibi: thank you~~ its not so nice though. >__< I hate everything!! T^T but thank you!! You are too nice!! >___< Merry Xmas to you too!~ Ahega: sankyuu~~ your Kirito cosplay is gorgeous! *0* Rika: I hope you spend nice time with your family~ ^w^ sensei: whoaaa!!O___o -runs away and hides under her bed- x____X I'm scared of phee now. T^T -hugs you- its okay... hungry phee turn to not hungry phee. XD Becca: *hugs* Merry Christmas to youu~~ ^___^ Elsch: eeek. *feels gnawed on* XDDDDD *nibbles on your arm* yummy Elsch-ness Anyways, Merry Christmas!! XDDD Arizu: wahhh~~ I can have one Tara twin too!! XDD that is fun!! Anime: it was a horrible job. ;___; thank you for your comment though!! >___< Yokan: Merry Kurimasu to youuu~~!! -huggle- Ice: your so nicee~~ >__&lt; OH... and I'm not going to Little Tokyo... so I can't see you!! ;___; gomen... I'm leaving tomorrow already!! Monica: you should have done something!! ;___; that would of been great to see you know?? maybe something for the upcoming season? XDD (doesn't know what is coming up next) Bright: Merry Christmas my lovely sister~~!! -hugs- I hope you have fun in HK ne!~~? ^_^ 19 years ago
  • bright_Zanya Merry X'mas!!!! My cute little one~~~ *huggie* ^ 3 ^ 19 years ago
  • beambitious awww maggie! this is so cute &gt;_< i should have made something for x-mas too -0- but behh im too lazy! but this is really cute !&gt; _ 19 years ago
  • IceAlchemist your too adorable *bite* 19 years ago
  • YokanShinya Very, VERY adorable Darky! Merry Christmas sweet heart! *huggles* &lt;3&lt;3&lt;3 19 years ago
  • anime_firelight Kawaii!! Very nice job dark 19 years ago
  • ~Arizu~ Wahhhh~ yours is soooo cuuuteee!*---* I've got a twin...xD''' 19 years ago
  • Elsch X-mas Tara~!!! Whee~ So cute! *gnaws on you* XD 19 years ago
  • Becca_Yuna awww your so cute ^_^ *huggie* merry christmas! 19 years ago
  • ~dark+alice~ seitochan~~~ you are so damned fucking cute my dear *^* wanna eat you harrr~ gnihihi, be aware of the phee XDD 19 years ago
  • _rika_ kawaii!!! *glomps* merry xmas! ^^ 19 years ago
  • ahega really cute~ ^-^ 19 years ago
  • Chibi you look so cute *-* It turned out really nice ^-^ *huggles* meri kurisumasuuuu *hugs and kisses* 19 years ago
  • tEnTen >//w//&lt; sooooo cute *bites your leg* muhahaha &lt;33 you look so damn cute ;~; miss you so much 19 years ago