saiyan689's image
from costume Dante
saiyan689 Did quite some work on it, with still a few small details to do, but nonetheless, they're done. And yes, actually engraved "Ebony & Ivory" into the guns - 10 mins each gun.
  • Chipface Really? Looks like I'm gonna go with that for making mine. Thanks for the heads up. 16 years ago
  • saiyan689 Well, if I take off all the addons, glue, and paint and stuff, they are just Dollar store guns under. =P And good ones too, that cock back when trigger is pulled and makes the shooting sounds. 16 years ago
  • Chipface Those are awesome. What'd you make them out of? Wood? 16 years ago
  • saiyan689 Thanks. They were a headache to do. @_@ 16 years ago
  • Champagon SICK 16 years ago