And so I decided to make my own lace for a wedding veil for one of my cosplays. Cuz I'm just that hardcore... or maybe stupid >_>. It's a layer of clear solvy sulky, illusion tulle/netting, and another layer of clear solvy sulky underneath. I'm using my maching in free motion mode with a very closely zigzig stitch (satin stitch actually) to create my own machine embroidery. First off. IT'S SO HARD! Never did I realize that sewing could be so tedious. Constantly, meticuously guiding the fabric ever so carefully. And one slight jerk of the hand can throw it all off. I've been practicing for two weeks now and this is the most cleanly I stitched a curve. I hope it improves. If any has any pointers on how to do it more cleaning and keep on the curve more precisely I'm open to suggestion.
oh yeah... series of curves will be cut and appliqued as trim to a wedding veil for Villetta's wedding cosplay (Code Geass).