darkenedxstar's image
darkenedxstar This photo is from such a long time ago. ^___^"

wrong makeup too. >0<

but I like this photo~~
  • darkenedxstar photino101: thank you~ XDDD it was self taken(laugh) sam: arigatou minna-san~~ ^0^ ilovegackt: you like my hair?? awwww~~ thankyou I just.. tied the rest back into a ponytail. XDDDD and if I remember correctly, I think I used hairspray and teased it. > v < *hugs* Shigai: oh yeah! XDDD the costume is of course easy!! You don't even need to sew anything. >0>" just get yourself a black suit from your closet or something. XDDDDDDDD wahhhx!! If you do Kisaki, I'll be so jealous!! You'll look so nice!! ^0^ and cute Kisaki?? (laugh) Kisaki is so gorgeous in person ;~~; you'll do a great job!! Esneka: yes!! ^0^ yours was great too!! -love- *hugs* Lainey: yes~ XDDDD I didn't hairspray my hair red. >0> It's supposed to be red. XDDDDD but shhh. :X Thatnametaken: thank you~~ ^^ xue: pretty xue-san!! *0* -love- Arizu: ahhh okie!! ^0^ I'll send you something back~~ > v < yay! purikura~~ > v < I'll put it into my wallet too!! 8D <33333 yay!! I can't wait!!~~ > v < you should wear the frog cap into the puri too!! XDDDDDD Miara: my hair is not soft!! ;___; it's so dead. *pets her hair* very dead... ;___; thank you for your kind comment~~! ^^ 19 years ago
  • RoxyDirKaoru Awwwww your so goddamn KAWAII! I love your hair. Shiny and looks so soft *_* 19 years ago
  • ~Arizu~ Oh my...you are so cute...;o;...and soon I will send you the frog cap..I hope...tomorrow I'm going to take some nwe min puris that I'll send you with the cap ne...^_~ Oh guess what! I've got brown hair now...*crys*...I'm looking so damn good with it...>D''' *hugs* *sents luv* :3 19 years ago
  • xue kawaii Maggie *o* 19 years ago
  • ThatNameTaken Very pretty it's lovely Tuhumbs up for me! 19 years ago
  • lainey omigosh...i see streaks! 19 years ago
  • Esneka YAY for Kisaki cosplayers!!! You look sooooo cute <333 *glomps* 19 years ago
  • Shigai Cutest Kisaki EVER!!!!! >w< Someday I will try to do Kisaki, too... The costume is easy, nee?? XDDDDDDDDD *hugs kisaki errr darkened!* 19 years ago
  • ilovegackt Omg! So cute!! I love your hair!! &glomps* 19 years ago
  • sam oh very pretty ^o^ 19 years ago