Ariel_VanDeKamp's image
from costume Ariel (Mermaid)
Ariel_VanDeKamp "-What? What is it?

-It’s a dinglehopper!

-A dinglehopper?

-Oh, these babies are fantabulous. Absolutely indispensary.
When it comes to dinglehoppers, I’m a regular encyclopoodia!"

(btw, that's NOT a wig x_D...)
  • yunayleene es genial, me encanta ^^ 14 years ago
  • Ariel_VanDeKamp Aww, thanks so so much all of you! 14 years ago
  • SnowBelle Your hair is amazing. lol seriously. You are so adorable! 14 years ago
  • mr-kobayashi Eres perfecta para Ariel!!!!!! Y ese cabello es muy hermoso! 15 years ago
  • Faraday I love your daydreamy look, like you're completely ignoring Scuttle as he imparts words of wisdom to you, haha 15 years ago
  • bossbot AH Broadway quotes FTW <3 You are such a pretty Ariel. THAT'S YOUR REAL HAIR??!?!?! X_X 15 years ago
  • Rikku-chan you make such a lovey Ariel! I really love the volume of your wig! 15 years ago