Cattypatra's image
Cattypatra Me with my man bag, as Riku.

But it sucks that a fangirl stole my glove. I am still so pissed off about that,
  • Shazzie-chan yay i see catty!! *glomp* XD yay tis the photo i took! 17 years ago
  • Cattypatra Thanks! It was really fun. Except Animania this year was WAAAAY better than SN. So disappointing. 18 years ago
  • Melanie A fangirl stole your glove?! Argh! What the hell is wrong with people?! I'm sort of glad I didn't get to Supanova now... I would have been thrown out for violent behaviour. ^_^;; I heard about your group's win... Congratulations! ^_^ 18 years ago