Spika-san's image
Spika-san I couldn't get a better photo w/out it in my face xD

Anywho Sophia so far, this dress has been a beast, because silk is a beast, and expensive =[ It's prolly been the biggest guess-work outfit I've done o_O
  • Alkrea I love love LOVE it! I sooooo can't wait to see you all done! :-D 17 years ago
  • AmazonMandy OH my, this is impressive...i can't wait to see it done! 17 years ago
  • VampiricMosaic What a beatiful gown! Great job! ^.^ 17 years ago
  • arisuchan I knew what this was before I even clicked on it! This is so wonderful!! I love Sophia and this design is so cool! You are doing an amazing job with it so far!!! 17 years ago