ulissesfOne of the best Tifa's cosplay i've ever seen, congrats! =D14 years ago
MsTooneywow, you look amazing. where are these shots taken?14 years ago
Shinroomg you are one beautiful tifa and i love the back ground15 years ago
fangirl6780_o BEAUTIFUL! I'm actually working on the Advent Children version of Tifa. Figured I'd give it a try seeing as I wont have to do much cuz i already have her look. Love it when I come across characters I already look like, makes for easy cosplay, but damn, yours it amazing! :D15 years ago
VespaaThank you, and you are such a gorgeous Tifa! You got all the little detailing of her costume perfect too, and the cut and length of the shirt! So impressed right now.15 years ago
AngilAdoragreat tifa! Hey i gotz a question.... where did u get your shirt?? :3 I'm looking into cosplay tifa soon15 years ago
sgreiner_01Your Tifa outfit is perfect! I was thinking about going as her for youmacon this year, but it will be my first time ever making my own outfit :) Do you have any tips? So far I only have the boots and the shirt ^^;15 years ago
KapalakaThank you! ^_^ And you make a lovely Tifa! She's my favorite FF girl!15 years ago
StrifehartOh wow, you are one of the best Game Tifas I have ever seen! Thank you for your comment and sorry about the late response (I was away for two months)15 years ago
GryphusWow, you really fit the character! So awesome15 years ago
B-ShiraThe most beautiful Tifa EVER!!!!!!!! *o*15 years ago
You are by far one of the best in game Tifas Ive ever seen!15 years ago